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Should You Lift Weights to Lose Fat? The Reason Why You Should Start Weight Training

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"Should I weight train for weight loss?"

YES ABSOLUTELY. Especially if you are losing weight with us on the Life Plan.

WHY should I start lifting weights?

For every pound of fat you have, your body burns 2 calories per day, to literally just hold onto it.

So if you lose 50lbs of fat you will burn 100 calories less per day, which is quite a lot and adds up over the weeks and months.

Now then, for every pound of muscle you have, your body burns 6 calories per day.

So if you were to do weight resistance training whilst on your fat loss journey, and build say 8lb of muscle, that would burn an extra 100 calories a day.

Now imagine you lost 50lbs of fat, and built 8lbs of muscle you'd still be burning the same amount of calories. Pretty good yeah ?

What if I don't lift weights?

If I was to really go deep here, if you don't lift weights and don't consume adequate protein whilst dieting, not only will you not build that 8lb of new muscle, you'll actually LOSE some of your current muscle. Meaning your calorie burn would be even lower.

It's so so important to lift weights.

What are the other benefits of weight/resistance training?

Get out of the mindset that weight lifting is for big scary roid heads in the gym. It’s one of the BEST things you could ever do. Every female I know who embraces weight resistance training never rebounds and keeps the weight off.

Building muscle does NOT make you look big and bulky. It makes you look incredible with shape. Think of it like this, the more muscle you build, the more calories you burn, the more cake you can eat and not get fat!

Also, studies show people who do weight resistance training lose the most amount of fat vs people who do not.

So lift weight to burn fat faster and join Team RH...

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